Pelton Community Primary School

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Art & Design

Beamish and Pelton Federation believes that art engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Our federation encourages pupils’ curiosity and creativity, allowing them to think critically and develop a thorough understanding of art, and its place in the world, including how it reflects our history and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Art and Design in EYFS

Through Expressive Arts children are encouraged to explore different media, explore how media can be combined to create different effects and develop a range of skills and techniques experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function. Children are given daily access to a range of creative opportunities and enjoy our carefully planned and well resourced creative areas both indoors and out. Children are encouraged to create on both small and large scales and our outdoor environment supports this well. Children are encouraged to develop their communication and language skills through talking about their creations and sharing these with others to build confidence and raise self-esteem.

Art and Design in KS1 and KS2

Across the primary Art curriculum, children learn about a range of artists and topics to build upon their skills every year. Please see below for further information about our Art curriculum and the progression of skills we teach in each area.

Arts Week 2023

This year we had a bit of a change! Rather than our traditional ‘Arts Week’ where we focus on ‘Art & Design’, we decided to host an ‘Arts Week’ where we explore various art forms eg. Dance, Drama, Music and Art & Design. We also included DT too!

From an Art & Design point of view, the children made a class scarecrow and we showcased them for our parents and carers with a display  on our school yard!

Drawing Learning Journey

Take a look at our amazing drawing learning journey, from Nursery through to Year 6, here at Pelton Community Primary School. Wow!

Art & Wellbeing Project 2023

We were extremely lucky to have our very own ‘Animation Artist’ – Sheryl Jenkins working in school with some of our Key Stage One children and staff. Sheryl inspired us to create our own amazing animations! Here are the links to our creations:

Mix Up:

Things I Like:

Pelton Picture Show:

We contacted Jim Moir(aka Vic Reeves) via his website and received an email back from Harry Dent who manages Jim’s Instagram account, ‘JimMoirArt,’ as well as his website! They were thrilled with our ‘Flower Colour Wheel’ and agreed it would be an excellent addition to their website and Instagram. We sent a couple of photographs and they responded immediately! This is what they said about our Art!

That’s truly fantastic! I’ve shared the images and details with Jim, and he says it’s great! He would also like to share it on his personal Instagram account (@jamesmoir12).

We plan to feature your school’s wonderful Flower Colour Wheel on our website. I’ll let you know once the news article is published.

True to their word, Jim Moir posted! Massive congratulations to our amazing artists!

Check out the latest news on Jim Moir’s website too!


Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Mural

We are super proud of our Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Mural!

To celebrate this momentous occasion, each year group were given a related theme: Union Jack flags, London buses, crowns, portraits of the Queen, Buckingham Palace, corgi dogs, Queen’s guards, horses and carriages. Each child, from Nursery to Year 6 has contributed art work to our mural which we have on display as you enter our school!

Our Art Work On CBBC TV Series ‘The Dumping Ground’!

We had an amazing opportunity to have some of our children’s art displayed on the set of the CBBC series ‘The Dumping Ground’!!!

The Dumping Ground is a children’s drama series which is based around The Story of Tracy Beaker by Jacqueline Wilson. One of the parents from Pear Class is the ‘Production Designer’ and set us the task of creating art based around either a beach/seaside or space/solar system theme. All children, from Nursery to Year 6, have been busy working on this. We presented our final pieces to The Dumping Ground’s Production Designer, Lisa Davidson. She was so impressed with our art that she took all the children’s work! However, Lisa has chosen some art work to be displayed immediately onto the set and we are showcasing those here! Wow!


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