Pelton Community Primary School

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Our Learning Year 6

Year 6

In Year 6 we have two teachers; Mrs Rafferty and Mrs Gardner.

View Our Curriculum section for further details of our learning.

2023 – 2024

Autumn 2

This half term in Year 6, we have had lots of fantastic topics that we have learned about! 


In Literacy we have been reading Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman, which is a traditional fairytale. Firstly, we made predictions on what we thought the book would be about, linked to the genre and other books we have read. Throughout the term, we have produced lots of fantastic descriptive pieces of work.  


In Maths, we have increased our confidence in solving more complex problems. We have also consolidated our knowledge and understanding of fractions and using all four operations with fractions.  


Our topic in Science this term was ‘Electricity’, the pupils drew on pervious knowledge from Year 4 to support them in drawing and creating electrical circuits.

They then became electricians and had to spot problems in circuits and then fix them to create a working circuit.  They ended the topic by learning that there were in fact two types of circuits: a series and a parallel circuit.


Our topic this half term has been The Railways, at the end of the topic we enjoyed a trip to Beamish Museum to work alongside the staff to decide whether or not we would invest in the new up and coming railway.  Of course we all said yes!


This term our topic was textiles and we were asked to design and create a Christmas decoration aimed at children to hold a sweet treat.  We looked at different designs, practices our stitching and then created this wonderful final products.  What do you think of our amazing products?     

Autumn 1

Autumn 1 Topic Web (1)  


In Maths, we have consolidated our understanding and knowledge of place value up to 1,000,000 and increased our confidents in all 4 operations.  


In Literacy, we are reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief which is an adventurous quest story in which the Demi-God Percy Jackson needs to retrieve the missing lightning bolt. Firstly, we predicted what we thought the book might be about linked to genre and other books we have read. Throughout the term we focused on creating imagery through using ambitious vocabulary and figurative language to write different action scenes and end with inventing and creating our own quest instalment.  


In Geography, our enquiry question was São Paulo – What do places have in common?  To answer this question, we looked into the physical and human features of South America and Europe; climate and culture along with human influences in different parts of South America and Europe.  


In Science our topic has been living things and their habitats. We have been classifying living organisms based on differing criteria. We have classified animals, plants and microorganisms based on their habitat and features. 


In Art, we focused on sculpture, exploring the work of artists before creating out very own masterpiece from a range of materials. We have studied the work of Andy Goldsworthy, who uses natural materials to create sculptures. We created our own sculptures using natural materials from our school grounds and local area.   When looked at Alberto Giacometti and created our own version of the walking man out of wire.  We ended our topic with creating our own sculptures out of clay. 

Black History Month. 

During the month of October, we research influential black people both past and present to see how they had impacted the world around us.  From this research we created inspirational posters. We then took a selection of colours to finalise our posters.  The message being that each colour could blend and join together for a common goal and create something beautiful and memorable.  Meaning that each colour was unique and capable of forming on its own as well as coming together as a team.

Autumn 1 Topic Web 

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