Pelton Community Primary School

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Family Activities

Baby and Toddler Group

Our baby and toddler group runs in school every Thursday (term time only) from 9.30am – 10.45am. The group is for babies to school age children and is FREE. You do not need to book a place! We are very friendly, so please just turn up! During the group, you will have access to our own soft play room, activities room, outdoor area and a separate baby room. Additionally, a free snack will be provided.

Baby Massage

In school, we run a baby massage course designed for new parents. Baby massages have a variety of benefits including nurturing quality 1-1 time with your baby and strengthening the bond between the two of you. Additionally, massages will also allow your baby to feel more relaxed, which may improve their sleep, not to mention, it is excellent for helping babies who have trapped wind or stomach discomfort.

The Baby Massage course lasts for 5 weeks and only costs £10 for the complete course. For more information, please ring or text Lynn Stavers on 07771371384 or via email

Family Learning Courses

We run family learning courses regularly in school which are an excellent opportunity for you as parents/carers to work, learn and have fun with your child at school. Courses range from family cookery, keeping fit, healthy families, numeracy/literacy skills, helping children with homework etc.

Course announcements/ details and updates are posted on Class Dojo, so please be sure to check our whole school story posts. Alternatively, for more information, please ring or text Lynn Stavers on 07771371384 or via email

Spring Family Learning

Our current family learning program is an 8 week cookery workshop, where parents/carers work with their children to create some delicious and healthy recipes to take home. Families really enjoy coming into school and express that they have tried similar recipes at home. 

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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