Pelton Community Primary School

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Learning a language gives us a multitude of opportunities, including many different career opportunities!

It improves cognitive ability, as well as social skills, communication and confidence. Learning a language increases awareness of the world around you and to make you more open-minded to other people and their culture.

Children learn French from Reception to Year 6, first focusing on the spoken word and understanding the culture of French speaking countries. Across KS2, the skills of reading and writing are introduced. We aim to ensure all children have had the opportunity to work with a native speaker by the time they leave primary school.


Please see our French overview below:

French Overview 2023 24

Please come back soon to see what we have been up to during our French lessons and international day celebrations!


Culture and Language trip to Newcastle University – June 2023

Year 4 and 5 were invited along to complete a Culture and Language workshop at Newcastle University.  They completed a spoken language workshop with a native Chinese speaker, a Chinese calligraphy workshop, as well as a cookery workshop in the iLab. Each child made Beijing ice candy in the iLab, learning where and how the candy is made, also getting the chance to try this delicious treat. During the calligraphy workshop the children had their own writing station where they were presented with tools and materials to write Chinese characters, along with learning the historical meaning behind the characters.

Japanese workshop – May 2023

Year 5 spent an afternoon on Microsoft Teams as they participated in a virtual Japanese workshop with a student from the University of Durham. The children were problem solvers as they unpicked the meaning of Japanese characters and tried speaking some common Japanese words. The experience widened the childrens’ learning as they accessed another language, different to the one we teach on a weekly basis in our MFL sessions.

Chinese New Year celebrations – February 2023

In each class we spent an afternoon exploring the importance of Chinese New Year, how it is celebrated and the hidden meanings of the decorative colours/decorations that are used in homes during this time. We had such an informative and exciting afternoon whilst we completed pieces of art, participated in games and tried famous fortune cookies.

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New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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