Pelton Community Primary School

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At the Beamish and Pelton Federation, we value PSHE as one way to support children’s development as human beings, to enable them to understand and respect who they are, to empower them with a voice and to equip them for life and learning

We include the statutory Relationships and Sex Education within our whole-school PSHE Programme. RSE is life-long learning about physical, moral and emotional development. Children learn about healthy relationships, different families, respect, love and care. In addition, children will be taught age-appropriate information about puberty, hygiene, the body and sexual reproduction.


Through Personal, Social, Emotional Development children are supported to build constructive and respectful relationships that allow them to play, learn and develop alongside both adults and their peers. As children make friendships they learn to manage conflicts and rivalries with the support of adults. Children are empowered to envisage themselves as valuable individuals who are aware of what makes them unique In the Early Years children are encouraged to express their feelings and adults carefully model the handling of these feelings and emotions to support children in becoming independent in moderating their own feelings. Children are taught to manage their own physical needs and understand the importance of respecting others privacy. A large part of the curriculum in the Early Years supports the developing resilience within young children, children are encouraged to persevere to meet their goals and targets. As a part of the learning journey experienced in the Early Years developing the understanding of rules and routines is an integral part that runs parallel to all.

PSHE in KS1 and KS2

To ensure progression and a spiral curriculum we use Jigsaw as our chosen teaching and learning programme and tailor it to your children’s needs. This programme’s complimentary update policy ensures we are always using the most up to date teaching materials and that our teachers are well-supported.

Summer Term

The summer term was filled with so many wonderful memories of PSHE. The children in both KS1 and KS2 looked at the ‘Relationships’ and ‘Changing Me’ units in PSHE. We found out all about our bodies and how they change as we grow, as well as finding out what different relationship dynamics look like. We finished off a fabulous year by celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee with a whole school and family picnic. The children performed songs through the decades to celebrate the Queen’s rein. It was wonderful to see just how much our fabulous families enjoy coming together as a community. What a celebration!

Spring Term 

This term in KS2 the children have been looking at ‘Dreams and Goals’ and ‘Healthy Me’ units in PSHE. We again looked at the importance of self care and emotional well-being, as well as what we hoped for in our futures.


As part of their ‘Dreams and Goals’ unit, the children in ks1 looked at how to achieve an end goal. They enjoyed following instructions to make a jam sandwich. They have also discussed how working with others can hep them achieve their goals too.

Autumn Term

As part of their ‘Being me in the world’ unit, Year 3/4 children have discussed their unique qualities that makes them an individual and recorded on a trophy why they were ‘proud to be me’. They then explored what is meant by ‘respect’, looking at what respect may look like in the classroom and in their local community. They have also been discussing the importance of celebrating difference in the world. They looked at different people from around the world, significant events that changed the world and how to deal with difficult situations in their own lives. The year 3/4 classes completed some group scenarios about first impressions and why we should not judge people by their appearance. They then celebrated what was amazing about them and how they were all unique to each other.

In our charity work in R.E, we discussed key PSHE values such as kindness, generosity and why we should support one another. This is some of the work we produced.

Year 5 have been discussing their hopes and fears at the start of the new school year. Each star represents their hopes and the monsters represent their fears. We explored ways of achieving our hopes and making them a reality and how we can overcome out fears and who we can turn to for support.
Year 6 discussed their goals for their final year in primary school and recorded them on stars also.

Special Events

As part of our PSHE curriculum we also look at significant events that may occur each year. Throughout they year we will be celebrating many events in school. They include:

  • Black History Month
  • Anti-Bullying Week
  • Remembrance Day
  • International Philosophy Day
  • Chinese New Year
  • Children’s Mental Health Week
  • World Book Day
  • International Women’s Day
  • Careers Day
  • Earth Day
  • Queens Jubilee
  • World Environment (including recycling)

New College Durham Academies Trust

The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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