Pelton Community Primary School

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Butterfly Nursery

We enjoy playing alongside the children, giving them the opportunity to become so deeply absorbed in their play and as highly skilled and experienced practitioners we know exactly where to interject and enhance their play further to ensure we reach high levelled deeply engrossed and satisfying play where the children can't help but make progress. We work extremely hard to create an independent, rich and exciting environment where children can choose where to play, choice most definitely leads to self satisfaction. We use children's own interests to help with our environment too so the more information you can tell us about your child the quicker we can enhance their new room and personalise their learning. We love to choose a weekly book and explore it to its maximum potential, sometimes acting scenes out first and then when reading the book the children are always excited to make the connection.

"Staff are adept at using topics which captivate children and motivate them to learn... Children were completely engrossed, showing high levels of perseverance". (Ofsted 2015).

"Children quickly become confident and enquiring learners because they feel safe. They understand the daily routines and the expectations of adults as they listen carefully and respond well" (Ofsted 2015).

Parents are offered the following nursery sessions;

  • 5 morning sessions 8.30am until 11.30am
  • 5 afternoon sessions 12 noon until 3pm
  • 2.5 days (Monday, Tuesday 8.30 until 3pm and Wednesday morning 8.30 - 11.30am)
  • 2.5 days (Wednesday afternoon 12 noon until 3pm and Thursday and Friday 8.30 until 3pm)

Parent's have a choice between providing a home packed lunch or booking a hot school meal for children staying over lunch time. For more details about menu choices and cost, please visit the school office and they will be happy to help.

Parents/carers may choose to buy additional nursery sessions availability allowing. For further information please contact the school office.

Additional sessions are offered at the following rates:

Full day - £20 (8.30-3pm)

Half day - £12 (8.30-11.30 or 12-3)

Extended Half day including lunch - £13.50 (8.30-12.15 or 11.30-3.15pm)

Wrap around childcare is available onsite for nursery aged children from 7.30am till 6pm. For more information, please contact Mrs Henry in the school nursery on 0191 370 0451.

Stimulating Environment

Staff within in our EYFS have worked tirelessly to transform our provision and have successfully created a highly stimulating environment which meets the needs of our pupils very well. The environment comprises a core provision of quality, open- ended resources, arranged into areas that support learning across the EYFS curriculum. This core provision is frequently enhanced to cater for the children’s current interests and themes practitioners are teaching. We operate free flow play between indoors and outdoors and both environments are well- organised, stimulating and engaging.

We constantly review and update our provision according to the current needs of our children.  We encourage parents/carers to inform us of their child’s needs and interests as they change and develop throughout the year.  We can then ensure our provision meets the most up to date needs of our children.  Engagement levels are increased by adding enhancements based on the interests of the children in our Early Years room.  We want children to be happy – happy children make successful learners! But, we also want children to be motivated and challenged by the resources that we provide for them. We want them to be thinkers, negotiators and problem solvers – to apply the knowledge that they already have to enable them to explore new possibilities. Each area of provision that we create has a variety of interesting and stimulating resources that engage our children and have the potential to extend their learning.

Our Learning Journey 2023 - 2024 (Spring 1)


Our Learning Journey 2023 - 2024 (Spring 2)


Spring 1

This half term we welcome new starters into the Butterfly nursery and we look forward to getting to know the children and their families over the coming weeks. 


Our topic is 'who are the characters in our stories?' we will spend time looking at our favourite stories, discussing the characters, where they live and exploring storybook lands. We will be using our knowledge of traditional tales to solve problems for characters and listening carefully to descriptions of characters to represent them accurately in a variety of ways. We look forward to exploring the icy weather outdoors and will use our investigation skills to experience freezing and melting. 

Spring 2

This half term our topic was 'Food, glorious food'. We made pancakes like Mr Wolf, tasting porridge like Goldilocks and put on our superhero capes with Supertato. We mastered numbers to 4 in maths and used language to compare length, weight and height. This half term we also celebrated the wonderful females in our lives during Mother's Day. 


Summer 1

This half term we are going minibeast mad! The children have had the opportunity to look after their own special caterpillar and watch it's metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly! We were all surprised by how friendly our butterflies were. We also collected some tadpoles from our school pond and were all shocked that they would turn into frogs! The arrival of some lovely weather has meant lots of outdoor fun too. 

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The focus on Excellence underpins all that we do whether in learning areas, working within the communities we serve or governing and leading our Academies.

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