Pelton Community Primary School

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We have two classes in Reception with lots of busy little learners! In Blueberry class our teacher is Miss O'Sullivan and in Strawberry class our teachers are Mrs Bakker and Miss Taylor. Please take a look at what we've been up to in school!

Our Curriculum

In Reception, we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile.  We are a play-based curriculum which means we use our well-equipped environment to spark children's curiosity and encourage their learning. We use the Early Years Foundation Stage document, alongside the needs, interests and abilities of the children, to carefully plan an environment which stimulates learning. We also include short, carefully planned sessions to spark the inquisitive mind. Please take a look at our Reception Curriculum Map 2023-24 to see our exciting and challenging topics and fabulous learning throughout the year.

As parents and carers are children's first educators, we strive to hold positive relationships with them to ensure children learn as much as possible and reach their full potential during their time with us. We hold regular stay and play sessions where parents can come and see how their children learn. We also have an open door policy both before and after school where parents can talk to us.

Spring Half Term 1 - Our Favourite Stories

This half term our learning is all around our favourite stories. We will be exploring lots of familiar and favourite characters such as the Gruffalos child, The Jolly Postman, Cinderella and where the wild things are through exciting and engaging activities. We will be writing a letter home and walking to the local post-box to post it, Painting with magic paintbrushes and getting into role of the characters to act the stories out.

Spring Half Term 2 - Are we nearly there yet?

Are you ready to go on a journey? This half term we are learning all about journeys and transport. We will explore our local area and maps, finding our journey to school on google maps and finding out about lots of different modes of transport such as bikes, trains and aeroplanes. We will be exploring old modes of transport and how they have changed over time and finding out about the English pilot Amy Johnson. 

Summer Half Term 1 - Down at the bottom of the garden

What will we find at the bottom of the garden? This half term, Reception will become explored as we explore our outdoor areas for lots of amazing minibeasts. We will be learning about their habitats, how they survive and their life cycles. We will share stories such as ‘Yucky worms’ ‘snail trail’ and ‘mad about minibeasts’. We will be creating wormeries, observing the life cycle of a butterfly and learning to care for tadpoles. This half term, we will also explore growing through planting our own beanstalks and sunflowers.



New College Durham Academies Trust

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